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My Brand Story

There are many things that are unique about me. First of all, I’m not only from another country, but I’ve lived in 4 very different cities. I’ve traveled around, and I’ve been to the poorest towns to the fanciest restaurants. Also, advertising runs through my veins. My grandmother worked in the advertising business for a long time, and her brother was one of the pioneers of the industry in Mexico. My dad says he was just like Don Draper (when it comes to professional matters, not personal ones). And my dad even had a small advertising agency too, so it’s not something it occurred to me someday, I’ve always meant to dedicate myself to this.


About me, I feel like this career is meant for me as I’m meant for it. I’m good with analyzing things, with taking the time to figure out the right plan, with coming up with ideas and being creative at any given time. I always analyze the current marketing campaigns and try to pay a lot of attention to it, unlike maybe most people. I analyze why it works or not, what they did good or how they failed, and mostly the why behind it, and it’s a world that amazes me and attracts me.


I used to do exercises about creating a campaign on my own about any product, in a matter of minutes. I do feel capable of such things, and I feel like that’s my best skills, not on video editing or graphic design, but on marketing, branding, advertising, and promotion.


The challenges of the industry, which I see as opportunities, is that there are a lot of campaigns that are failing miserably. They’re throwing their money away, and to “experts” that couldn’t do their job correctly. This is more visible in my country, where you see campaigns that are so bad it hurts. That’s where I think: “If someone got paid for this, why can’t I?”


What inspires me is that it’s a purely creative industry. I am passionate for movies and music, and it’s great to see how related these industries are. And of course, it’s fun. There are millions of ways of doing this job, and I want to take advantage of them. I also crave for recognition. There are campaigns awarded in Cannes, for example, and that is a huge motivation for me, that my work’s not only recognized by the client or the customers, but by the industry.


One of the moments of sudden realization that I’ve had, is when I started studying Advertising in Mexico City. I started paying attention to the details of many campaigns I saw around me, either on TV, radio, billboards, internet, magazines, anywhere. I started applying what I was learning and realizing how many mistakes some brands made, or how great their job was.


Another “aha” moment came short after. I had a mentor for a brief time, in my first semester in Advertising. He’s been the owner of the school for over 30 years, and he’s one of the most interesting and indecipherable persons I’ve ever met. He gave us a lesson about the USP, and that’s a game-changer. The Unique Selling Proposition, that can be applied not only to brands but to oneself, is the key to every campaign. What you sell that no one else can match. Up to this day, that’s the first question I ask when I start working with a brand.


The marketing industry is changing every minute. What I noticed in my previous school, is that they were very focused on the traditional media, but rarely looked below the line. In Full Sail, in contrast, what we first do is create social media and websites for the brand. I think a campaign needs to go both sides of the line if it wants to be complete. And today, it’s constantly evolving, and you have to pay close attention to every change, because not evolving, means dying, and a client will look for any way to improve their business, and we, as professionals, have to be aware of those opportunities.


Normally it would be the other way around, but I enjoy when other people realize something that’s obvious to us, like “what do you mean Coca-Cola sells happiness”, or “why is that campaign of a brand I don’t remember bad, it made me laugh”. 


This is a way of telling my story without being straight-forward: “imagine there’s a profession that not everybody wants but everybody needs, imagine that it looks easy but not everyone can do it, imagine it’s super fun and it pays good, imagine that if you make a mistake no one dies, imagine that you can meet a lot of companies and learn how they work, imagine you have to become an expert about every single business in a matter of hours, imagine your work could be viewed by millions of people, imagine getting awards for it... and now, imagine spending your life on it”.

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